AuthorNikitha Philip, Illinois FBLA State President Do you love speaking to big crowds? Do you enjoy collaborating with like-minded individuals from all around the state? Are you passionate about leadership and want to pursue your journey through FBLA? Then state office is the perfect next step for you.
Taking on this huge responsibility seems like a lot, but I’m here to assure you that you can do it. Let’s break down the process into three main ideas: creating campaigns, writing speeches, and campaigning at SLC. First, creating your authentic campaign. When running for state office, it is especially important that your campaign is as authentic as possible so you can stand out among other candidates. Whether that’s sharing a unique message with members, having a catchy slogan, or letting your passion show as a candidate. The first step is to decide your campaign theme. Picking a theme can be difficult, but you must ensure you choose something that speaks to you as a leader. For me, it was a stage because music was what helped me discover my voice and be iconic. Choose a theme that represents who you are. After identifying your theme, the best way to stay memorable with delegates is by creating a catchy slogan. Throughout my time in FBLA, I have campaigned with two main slogans, “Be slick, pick Nik” and “Be IcoNik.” Both of these slogans helped me stand out to voting delegates and helped me win the positions I ran for. Having a slogan will always give members a way to remember you. When creating your poster, use colors that relate to your slogan and campaign theme. You want to create a cohesive look when members come over to your booth. Make sure to include all essential information on your poster, including your name, slogan, goals, etc. Anything you want members to know about you should be on your campaign poster. Many members will stop to talk to you, but others will only read your poster and leave. Make sure you leave a good impression. Finally, when creating your state campaign, be sure to have an activity or freebie to give away to members. Keepsakes are always beneficial because people will have something physical to remember you by. Anything from personalized pins, stickers, candy, pamphlets, etc. Something for members to take with them to help them remember your campaign even after they leave your booth. As for activities, you could include a quick game or create a Polaroid photo board. The options truly are endless. Next, writing your campaign speech. At the Opening Ceremony at the State Leadership Conference, each candidate will give a two-minute speech in front of all the Illinois FBLA members. When writing this speech, you must keep in mind ways to keep your audience engaged. Two minutes isn’t a lot of time, but you must still find ways to keep the audience on their feet. Include essential information, but also find a unique way to present your goals and visions for FBLA as a state officer. After a long day of competing, it’s easy for members to lose interest or be disengaged. Find ways to help your speech stand out. Include shoutouts to the audience, include your catchy slogan, and use acronyms to present your goals. It’s all about getting your point across effectively and efficiently. Finally, actually campaigning at the State Leadership Conference. When campaigning, you must always keep in mind your target audience. You will be campaigning almost all day, so be sure to get lots of sleep the night before, prepare your campaign pitch, eat a good breakfast, and be confident. When voting delegates are voting, they will take into account how you made them feel at your booth. Be welcoming and comforting while also getting your point across. With this comes choosing your campaign team. There will be times you will need to step away from your booth, whether that’s for competitive events or to take breaks. Choose a team of two or three individuals who can stand with you at your booth to hand out keepsakes, pitch your campaign, and help hype you up while campaigning. Choose one campaign manager to stand with you and welcome members to your booth and help talk about you to members. Choose your campaign team wisely and ensure they are well-briefed on what they need to say to accurately represent you. Be sure to keep in mind that you don’t have to talk to every single individual who comes to your booth. Take breaks and spend some time away from your booth to take a breather. Campaign day is a lot, so be sure to always prioritize your health on that day. Always make sure, though, that you have someone representing you at your booth. Never leave your booth empty. After campaigning for five hours, you will give your speech, and a question-and-answer round will take place. During these, you must be confident, especially during Q&A. When a question is posed, don’t be afraid to take your time in answering. Be short and sweet with your answers. You will be given one minute to answer each question, but don’t feel as though you need to use the whole time. In fact, you will be more memorable if you answer your questions effectively in a short amount of time. When delivering your speech and participating in Q&A, keep in mind it’s okay to stutter. We are all human and can’t always be perfect. Take a breath, move on, and always have a positive mindset. Taking the initiative to run for state office is a huge step in the right direction, and no matter the outcome, you should be proud of yourself. Running for state office is no easy task, and remember to always do your own personal best. I wish you all the best of luck this campaign season and can’t wait to see you all take the stage this March! Cam Meyer, Illinois FBLA State Reporter One item that keeps FBLA Chapters running is fundraising. Fundraising can come from chapter events, social media posts, but what I have found most efficient is the gathering of sponsorships.
One way to begin your sponsorship search is creating a spreadsheet of past sponsors and distributing the responsibilities of who will ask who. This way, FBLA members won’t be asking the same potential sponsors, and in-turn, will make the process easier and quicker. Another essential to the process is creating a sponsorship packet that details what sponsors will be putting their money towards and who they can contact if they have any questions. When approaching potential sponsors, be clear about what you are asking for. Explain the benefits of sponsoring your FBLA chapter, such as the recognition they will get and the positive impact on the community. Make sure to publicly recognize your sponsors in various ways. This can include mentioning them in social media posts, displaying their logos on event materials, and giving them shout-outs during events. Always send a personalized thank-you note to your sponsors, expressing your gratitude for their support. Highlight the difference their contribution has made and let them know how it has helped your chapter. By following these steps, you can ensure that you will build a strong relationship with local businesses, ensuring that your Chapter is supported continuously. Author
Being in FBLA’s competitive events is a thrilling and fulfilling experience for participants all
around the nation. Among these events are the Chapter Events. These four different chapter events are American Enterprise Project, Community Service Project, Local Annual Chapter Business Report, and Partnership with Business Project. They are all very involved and highly competitive events, with a prejudged report and a presentation to judges. My team and I placed 10th in the Community Service Project at NLC 2024 and my experience has given me valuable insight into what it takes to succeed and what you need to feel well-prepared. I will share five strategies that I have learned from my experience that will help you to succeed in FBLA Chapter Events. 1. Start Early My first piece of advice is to start early. Chapter Events are some of the most involved events in FBLA. They require you to show that you have made an impact in your community through volunteering events, chapter participation, and social media. It took my team and I nearly ten months to perfect our project and over 300 hours of planning, volunteering, and educating leaders in our district. Taking on a Chapter Event is no small feat, but with time and effort, you will be able to achieve whatever you set out to do. Make sure that you start as soon as you can to allow yourself time to research, plan, and execute your project to have the greatest amount of success at the state and national leadership conferences. 2. Read the Rubric A lot of what a chapter event is is planning and making sure your topic and your activities meet the requirements on the rubric to secure the most points. Most of the chapter event rubrics are things like planning, completing research, gaining a certain percentage of chapter participation, and showing your project's effects on the community through different publications like newspapers and social media. Going into the project you need to be aware of what specific things you need to implement into your schedule and chapter activities. 3. Communication is Key There are so many amazing teachers, business owners, district officials, parents, and students that would be willing to help you with your project. By reaching out, you will have so many doors open to you and people who can give you valuable insight into your topic or the business world in general. Reach out to these people early and give them time to respond to get all the guidance they have to offer. 4. Take Pictures For your report you will need to prove that you did all that you said. Taking photos is a great way to provide this proof. It also helps when you want to post on social media or when you create news articles on your project. Anytime that you present or write about your project, photos will make it more engaging for the audience because they will get to see you making a difference in your community. 5. Report is Important Writing your report will likely be the hardest but most important part of your project. No matter how amazing you are at presenting, the report can make or break your project. It accounts for 50% of your score and will be a huge factor in determining whether or not you will go to Anaheim California for NLC. Instead of waiting until a few weeks before it is due to start, you should write your report as you go. Even if you only write down the date, a few important things about the event, and insert a few photos, it will make compiling the report so much easier. This way, you won’t forget any important pieces of information and will not have to spend hours trying to recall dates, times, and hours. Succeeding in a chapter event requires you to plan, collaborate with community members, and continuously document your progress. Understand the rubric and start early to have the best success possible. Read the rubric and reach out for help when you need it. The most important thing to remember is you are making a difference. It might seem small and insignificant, but you are doing what others won’t, enacting real change in the world. Continuing working hard, and you will be amazingly successful at the State and National Leadership Conferences. AuthorAbbas Hussain, Illinois FBLA State Parliamentarian Preparing for a roleplay event in FBLA can seem daunting, but with a little extra effort and the right strategy, they can be the most exciting events to participate in! If you feel a little nervous or unprepared for your roleplay event, here’s a short guide to help you get ready:
1. Know Your Topic Roleplay events are extremely interactive, and your judge may interrupt with a question at any time. That’s why it’s so important to thoroughly understand your topic! Research the subject of your event so you can provide accurate responses. You don’t need to read an entire textbook to be well-prepared, but having a solid foundation of knowledge to reference will help you appear professional. Many roleplay events already include a test portion, which accounts for part of your overall score, so knowing the material is crucial if you want to succeed! 2. Keep Practicing No Matter What Fortunately, most roleplay events provide sample case studies that you can use to practice before your competition. In your first few presentations, it’s perfectly fine to make mistakes. You’ll learn from them, and over time, you’ll get better at answering tough questions and handling challenging scenarios. Even if you prefer not to practice in front of others, going through a sample case study and presenting alone or with your group will still help sharpen your skills. The flow of your roleplay will improve only with practice. 3. Stay in Character For most case study events, the setting is more like a consultation or casual conversation. Your judges will appreciate it if you avoid sounding robotic or relying heavily on your notecards. Let your personality come through! Some events, like Hospitality & Event Management, even encourage creativity, so don’t hold back—use your unique style to enhance the roleplay. 4. Keep Calm It’s normal to feel nervous before any presentation, especially a roleplay. But remember, a big part of roleplays is about having fun and enjoying the experience. Trust in your preparation and turn that nervous energy into enthusiasm—it’ll make your presentation go smoother than you expect. At the end of the day, FBLA competitive events are all about learning and having an amazing time. Roleplay events are among the most challenging, so be proud that you took on the challenge, no matter the outcome AuthorAnnie Rogers, Central Northern Vice President Taking the first steps and joining FBLA can seem daunting for any person. There may be
many questions running through your mind as you embark on your FBLA journey. Not to worry, these feelings are completely normal and we are here to help. Here is what you need to know to be successful in FBLA. Firstly, what is FBLA? FBLA stands for the Future Business Leaders of America, and is an organization with over 230,000 members ranging in its middle level, high school level, collegiate level, and professional division. At any age level or stage of life, there is an FBLA level that can suit your needs. FBLA is a lifelong organization and resource for you! Secondly, who joins FBLA? Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to be necessarily interested in the corporate world to become a member. There are a variety of careers that are encompassed within FBLA, including computer science, engineering, healthcare, and so many more. FBLA is valuable in teaching students the necessary communication and confidence skills. This is done through regional, state, and even national competitions. These competitions are not necessary, but are great spaces to explore professional spaces in an academically challenging yet safe environment. Competitions come in four categories: a 60 question multiple choice test which is given in a 50 minute time frame, an online presentation in the format of the competitor’s choosing, a roleplay scenario with an expert judge, a case study in which competitors are given preparation and presentation time on a real life case scenario in their respective events, or a combination of these formats. There are also events that can be competed in group and chapter levels such as community project service events. It is important to note that on the state level, competitors must place in the top four of their event to qualify for the national level competition and that the location of the national level competition changes annually. Due to the scope of competitions, competitors are given the opportunity to broaden their horizons by traveling to new places and meeting people from areas different from their own. Finally, what other activities do FBLA members engage in? While this differs from chapter to chapter, there are many events on the Illinois State level that occur annually. From the Summer Leadership Workshop, Illinois Fall Retreat, and local Area Conferences, there are many events that help students meet adults in the corporate world to gain experience. Additionally, there are many fundraisers for the Alzheimer’s Association which seeks to fight against Alzheimer’s because this organization is a national charity partner. On a local level, there are fun activities done at chapter meetings to build membership bonding and engagement. If you are looking to delve deeper into FBLA, one way to do so is running for an officer position. This can be done on a local level in your own chapter, on a regional level in your area, or on a state or national level. Although intensive, the process is extremely rewarding as you get to advocate on behalf of students statewide and plan FBLA functions like conferences. To get involved, speak with your FBLA adviser to see if this is a viable option for you! Overall, the idea of joining FBLA is not as overwhelming as once thought. We on a state level are so proud of you as you pursue your unique FBLA path. For more information or questions, feel free to reach out to any state officer or check out the Illinois FBLA website! Benefits of Joining FBLA As members of this organization, FBLA has many resources to benefit its members. Often, members do not take full advantage of these benefits. In order to fully maximize your FBLA capabilities, you deserve to be aware of every opportunity on local, regional, and state levels. To help you, here are a list of some key benefits below. Key Benefits: ● On a local level, joining your FBLA chapter allows you to make friends and connections. This is done through attending chapter outings and regular meetings. When you make your presence known, you allow yourself to find people who have similar interests as yourself and bond with them. FBLA can help you network and make connections! ● FBLA can also build essential life skills like public speaking, confidence, and communication in group settings. There are many more skills that are helped as well, but the goal of FBLA is to help you in any endeavor you engage in during or after your active membership. ● FBLA allows you to explore career benefits in an academically safe environment. Although FBLA does offer business focused events to compete in such as financial events and business management events, there are many more career focused events extending beyond the corporate world. For example, there are events in computer science, engineering, healthcare, public policy, and more. It is so important to explore these events when younger to determine if these are potential future career paths! ● There are also many financial events and scholarships that come with FBLA. Examples of FBLA scholarships include the Distinguished Business Leader Scholarship, Dress to Impress Scholarship, and the National Leadership Conference Scholarship. These scholarships help recipients pay for travel expenses to the National Leadership Conference, pay for business attire, and further their FBLA and academic experience. To find scholarships, look on the Illinois FBLA website and ask your adviser for more information. It is important to watch out for deadlines and provide any requested information to ensure the proper submission of your application. ● Joining FBLA also has benefits on your resume. By choosing to make an impact on fellow FBLA members, students can emphasize positive qualities to colleges and employers to help them stand out against other applicants. Some students choose to do this by running for elected positions and advocating on behalf of the students they represent, while others choose to demonstrate academic interest by placing highly in the regional, state, and national level competitions. These boosts to a resume are unparalleled and extremely effective in boosting a member’s chance of real world success. ● Being a member of this organization will give you a sense of fulfillment and purpose. This can be done through participating in FBLA’s many fundraisers donating to the Alzheimer's Association which seeks to combat Alzheimer’s . Being a member of FBLA will help you give to a good cause and feel better about the impact you are making on the world. All in all, FBLA has many benefits to members who join! The benefits on the lists are just some of the many advantages that participants have. To learn about more advantages, be sure to check out the Illinois State website or ask your local adviser. FBLA is an organization that is there to help you! AuthorRuth Okedina, Illinois FBLA State Treasurer Fundraising is a crucial part of any organization, so I’m gonna give you some helpful tricks that can make
your local fundraiser more successful! Tip#1: Get Effective Fundraising Ideas: It is important to make sure that your fundraiser is engaging for your audience. Here are some ideas from other chapters: Car Wash- Wash people from your community’s cars, charge for entry. Candy Grams- Sell candy that people can send to others with a message. Concessions- Partner with your school’s concessions stand and receive commision. Dodgeball or Volleyball Tournament- Allow teams to enter and pay, also charge spectators. Duck Drop- Sell ducks that will be dropped onto a bullseye at a football game or another event. Whoever gets closest to the bullseye wins a part of the money raised. Drive in Movie- Host this in your school parking lot or football field, charge for entry. Haunted House/Hallways- Create a haunted house in your school gym or hallway, charge for entry. Snap Raise- FBLA members put in emails and phone numbers, then the platform will send out texts and emails to the people asking them to donate. Princess Spay Day- Host this for little kids. You can have a face painting station, nail station, hair station, and more. Charge for entry. Tip#2: Get the Word Out: Marketing your fundraiser is key to making it work. It's important to create a standard flier that will be the base for all of your posts. Make sure this flier includes the type of fundraiser you're hosting along with a small blurb explaining what it is, where the money is going to, the dates, and a link for the viewer. Every flier or post needs a call to action AKA what the viewer should do after seeing the information. Providing a link or QR code makes this call to action very simple, make sure you draw attention to it in your flier or post. After creating your fliers and posts, put them up in population dense areas and post on social media during the prime user activity times. Tip#3: Set Goals for your Members: Now that you have chosen a fundraiser and advertised it, you need to make sure you know what your objective is. Set a goal for how much money you want to raise in the end and periodically. If it's a fundraiser like the duck drop make sure you either require your members to sell a certain amount of ducks or provide phone numbers for you to do the selling. Having your members involved by giving them specific tasks helps the fundraiser run smoothly. Tip#4: Assess How your Fundraiser is Doing and Decide What to Do From There: Finally, after completing all the previous steps, check to see if you are actually hitting your goals. If you aren’t looking for the reason why, then create a new strategy on how to hit your goal next time. Fundraising isn’t always linear, many times it takes a lot of trial and error, but hopefully this newsletter will help eliminate some of those mistakes. Good luck Fundraising! Also, here is the link to the National FBLA fundraising guide, if you want to learn a little bit more! By Kavin Ramasamy, Illinois FBLA State Secretary
As FBLA members, we put many hours into leading, networking, and serving our communities. At times, doing these activities may be challenging, as we don’t have an immediate reward or recognition we can get from it. But what if I told you that there are awards that recognize member effort? What if I told you that you didn’t have to be a competitive event finalist at the State or National Level to be acknowledged for your commitment to FBLA? Enter FBLA Awards, a unique offering from FBLA that allows members, advisers, and chapters to be recognized for their contributions to the organization. Middle-Level Division: LEAD Award: The LEAD Award is an individual achievement program open to all active, paid FBLA Middle School members. Participating students can enhance their leadership skills, expand their business knowledge, contribute to their local communities, and earn recognition by immersing themselves in their schools and communities. Young Leader Award: The Young Leader Award recognizes members with extraordinary leadership and community service commitment. Members must have achieved at least the LEAD Explore Award to be eligible for this award. More information regarding FBLA Middle-Level Awards can be found at these links: High School Divison: Who’s Who: This award honors exemplary FBLA members who have made outstanding contributions to FBLA. This award recognizes the members with the most years of participation in FBLA activities, extensive involvement in state and area conferences, and contributions to local, state, and national projects. Business Achievement Awards: Participating students have the opportunity to enhance their leadership skills, expand their business knowledge, contribute to their local communities, and earn recognition by immersing themselves in their schools and communities. There are currently 4 levels of BAAs members can be awarded: Contributor Award (Level One) Leader Award (Level Two) Advocate Award (Level Three) Capstone Award (Level Four) More information regarding FBLA High School Awards can be found at these links: Adviser Awards: Mary E. Webb Award The Mary E. Webb Award is given each year to an outstanding Illinois FBLA adviser. To be eligible, an adviser must have served as a local adviser for five or more years; must have had an area, state, regional, or national officer; and must have attended one or more area, state, regional, and/or national conferences. To nominate an adviser, complete the application form on the state registration website and prepare a one-page resume for the adviser being nominated, be sure to include FBLA participation at the local, area, state, regional, and national levels. An adviser awarded the Webb Award will be nominated by the State to be recognized at the National Leadership Conference for the Outstanding Adviser Award. Chapter Awards Gold Seal Chapter Award Illinois Gold Seal Chapter of Merit Chapters Completing 10/12 of the following tasks are eligible to become a Gold Seal Chapter of merit. The first task is required for all chapters. ● Submitted ISBE form by December 1st ● Paid and National Dues by October 20th ( 10 students) ● Participated in State Alzheimer's Association Program ● Participated in Business Achievement Awards Program ( 5 students - Min. complete level 1) ● Invited businesses or other professionals to become involved in chapter activities explain/evidence (Picture and Paragraph) ● Conducted a community service project (Involve non-profit organization evidence/explain (Picture and Paragraph) ● Participated in FBLA week. Evidence of participation (Picture and Paragraph) ● Planned and conducted at least one visit to business and industry evidence of participation (Picture and Paragraph) ● Recruited 10% more members than previous year ● Earned a minimum of 2000 points in the Champion Chapter program ● Recruited judges for state conference (3-5) ● Participated in American Enterprise Day Evidence of participation Outstanding Chapter Award: Robert T. Stickler Award The Robert T. Stickler Award recognizes chapters that demonstrate the most commitment through participation in conferences, the State Leadership Conference and the National Leadership Conference, involvement in Officer positions at the Area, State, and National levels, and participation in competitive events. The State will choose a chapter that has received the award to represent Illinois for the Outstanding Chapter Award. You can find more information about Adviser and Chapter Awards at To conclude, FBLA offers various awards and recognition to members, advisers, and chapters that go above and beyond in their commitment to FBLA! Reach out to your chapter adviser or one of us to learn more about awards and how to apply! |
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