AuthorAnnie Rogers, Central Northern Vice President Taking the first steps and joining FBLA can seem daunting for any person. There may be
many questions running through your mind as you embark on your FBLA journey. Not to worry, these feelings are completely normal and we are here to help. Here is what you need to know to be successful in FBLA. Firstly, what is FBLA? FBLA stands for the Future Business Leaders of America, and is an organization with over 230,000 members ranging in its middle level, high school level, collegiate level, and professional division. At any age level or stage of life, there is an FBLA level that can suit your needs. FBLA is a lifelong organization and resource for you! Secondly, who joins FBLA? Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to be necessarily interested in the corporate world to become a member. There are a variety of careers that are encompassed within FBLA, including computer science, engineering, healthcare, and so many more. FBLA is valuable in teaching students the necessary communication and confidence skills. This is done through regional, state, and even national competitions. These competitions are not necessary, but are great spaces to explore professional spaces in an academically challenging yet safe environment. Competitions come in four categories: a 60 question multiple choice test which is given in a 50 minute time frame, an online presentation in the format of the competitor’s choosing, a roleplay scenario with an expert judge, a case study in which competitors are given preparation and presentation time on a real life case scenario in their respective events, or a combination of these formats. There are also events that can be competed in group and chapter levels such as community project service events. It is important to note that on the state level, competitors must place in the top four of their event to qualify for the national level competition and that the location of the national level competition changes annually. Due to the scope of competitions, competitors are given the opportunity to broaden their horizons by traveling to new places and meeting people from areas different from their own. Finally, what other activities do FBLA members engage in? While this differs from chapter to chapter, there are many events on the Illinois State level that occur annually. From the Summer Leadership Workshop, Illinois Fall Retreat, and local Area Conferences, there are many events that help students meet adults in the corporate world to gain experience. Additionally, there are many fundraisers for the Alzheimer’s Association which seeks to fight against Alzheimer’s because this organization is a national charity partner. On a local level, there are fun activities done at chapter meetings to build membership bonding and engagement. If you are looking to delve deeper into FBLA, one way to do so is running for an officer position. This can be done on a local level in your own chapter, on a regional level in your area, or on a state or national level. Although intensive, the process is extremely rewarding as you get to advocate on behalf of students statewide and plan FBLA functions like conferences. To get involved, speak with your FBLA adviser to see if this is a viable option for you! Overall, the idea of joining FBLA is not as overwhelming as once thought. We on a state level are so proud of you as you pursue your unique FBLA path. For more information or questions, feel free to reach out to any state officer or check out the Illinois FBLA website! Benefits of Joining FBLA As members of this organization, FBLA has many resources to benefit its members. Often, members do not take full advantage of these benefits. In order to fully maximize your FBLA capabilities, you deserve to be aware of every opportunity on local, regional, and state levels. To help you, here are a list of some key benefits below. Key Benefits: ● On a local level, joining your FBLA chapter allows you to make friends and connections. This is done through attending chapter outings and regular meetings. When you make your presence known, you allow yourself to find people who have similar interests as yourself and bond with them. FBLA can help you network and make connections! ● FBLA can also build essential life skills like public speaking, confidence, and communication in group settings. There are many more skills that are helped as well, but the goal of FBLA is to help you in any endeavor you engage in during or after your active membership. ● FBLA allows you to explore career benefits in an academically safe environment. Although FBLA does offer business focused events to compete in such as financial events and business management events, there are many more career focused events extending beyond the corporate world. For example, there are events in computer science, engineering, healthcare, public policy, and more. It is so important to explore these events when younger to determine if these are potential future career paths! ● There are also many financial events and scholarships that come with FBLA. Examples of FBLA scholarships include the Distinguished Business Leader Scholarship, Dress to Impress Scholarship, and the National Leadership Conference Scholarship. These scholarships help recipients pay for travel expenses to the National Leadership Conference, pay for business attire, and further their FBLA and academic experience. To find scholarships, look on the Illinois FBLA website and ask your adviser for more information. It is important to watch out for deadlines and provide any requested information to ensure the proper submission of your application. ● Joining FBLA also has benefits on your resume. By choosing to make an impact on fellow FBLA members, students can emphasize positive qualities to colleges and employers to help them stand out against other applicants. Some students choose to do this by running for elected positions and advocating on behalf of the students they represent, while others choose to demonstrate academic interest by placing highly in the regional, state, and national level competitions. These boosts to a resume are unparalleled and extremely effective in boosting a member’s chance of real world success. ● Being a member of this organization will give you a sense of fulfillment and purpose. This can be done through participating in FBLA’s many fundraisers donating to the Alzheimer's Association which seeks to combat Alzheimer’s . Being a member of FBLA will help you give to a good cause and feel better about the impact you are making on the world. All in all, FBLA has many benefits to members who join! The benefits on the lists are just some of the many advantages that participants have. To learn about more advantages, be sure to check out the Illinois State website or ask your local adviser. FBLA is an organization that is there to help you! Comments are closed.
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