AuthorRuth Okedina, Illinois FBLA State Treasurer Fundraising is a crucial part of any organization, so I’m gonna give you some helpful tricks that can make
your local fundraiser more successful! Tip#1: Get Effective Fundraising Ideas: It is important to make sure that your fundraiser is engaging for your audience. Here are some ideas from other chapters: Car Wash- Wash people from your community’s cars, charge for entry. Candy Grams- Sell candy that people can send to others with a message. Concessions- Partner with your school’s concessions stand and receive commision. Dodgeball or Volleyball Tournament- Allow teams to enter and pay, also charge spectators. Duck Drop- Sell ducks that will be dropped onto a bullseye at a football game or another event. Whoever gets closest to the bullseye wins a part of the money raised. Drive in Movie- Host this in your school parking lot or football field, charge for entry. Haunted House/Hallways- Create a haunted house in your school gym or hallway, charge for entry. Snap Raise- FBLA members put in emails and phone numbers, then the platform will send out texts and emails to the people asking them to donate. Princess Spay Day- Host this for little kids. You can have a face painting station, nail station, hair station, and more. Charge for entry. Tip#2: Get the Word Out: Marketing your fundraiser is key to making it work. It's important to create a standard flier that will be the base for all of your posts. Make sure this flier includes the type of fundraiser you're hosting along with a small blurb explaining what it is, where the money is going to, the dates, and a link for the viewer. Every flier or post needs a call to action AKA what the viewer should do after seeing the information. Providing a link or QR code makes this call to action very simple, make sure you draw attention to it in your flier or post. After creating your fliers and posts, put them up in population dense areas and post on social media during the prime user activity times. Tip#3: Set Goals for your Members: Now that you have chosen a fundraiser and advertised it, you need to make sure you know what your objective is. Set a goal for how much money you want to raise in the end and periodically. If it's a fundraiser like the duck drop make sure you either require your members to sell a certain amount of ducks or provide phone numbers for you to do the selling. Having your members involved by giving them specific tasks helps the fundraiser run smoothly. Tip#4: Assess How your Fundraiser is Doing and Decide What to Do From There: Finally, after completing all the previous steps, check to see if you are actually hitting your goals. If you aren’t looking for the reason why, then create a new strategy on how to hit your goal next time. Fundraising isn’t always linear, many times it takes a lot of trial and error, but hopefully this newsletter will help eliminate some of those mistakes. Good luck Fundraising! Also, here is the link to the National FBLA fundraising guide, if you want to learn a little bit more! Comments are closed.
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